Source code for bmemcached.protocol

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import logging
import re
import socket
import struct
import threading
    from urllib import splitport
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import splitport

import zlib
from io import BytesIO
import six
from six import binary_type, text_type

from bmemcached.compat import long
from bmemcached.exceptions import AuthenticationNotSupported, InvalidCredentials, MemcachedException
from bmemcached.utils import str_to_bytes

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Protocol(threading.local): """ This class is used by Client class to communicate with server. """ HEADER_STRUCT = '!BBHBBHLLQ' HEADER_SIZE = 24 MAGIC = { 'request': 0x80, 'response': 0x81 } # All structures will be appended to HEADER_STRUCT COMMANDS = { 'get': {'command': 0x00, 'struct': '%ds'}, 'getk': {'command': 0x0C, 'struct': '%ds'}, 'getkq': {'command': 0x0D, 'struct': '%ds'}, 'set': {'command': 0x01, 'struct': 'LL%ds%ds'}, 'setq': {'command': 0x11, 'struct': 'LL%ds%ds'}, 'add': {'command': 0x02, 'struct': 'LL%ds%ds'}, 'addq': {'command': 0x12, 'struct': 'LL%ds%ds'}, 'replace': {'command': 0x03, 'struct': 'LL%ds%ds'}, 'delete': {'command': 0x04, 'struct': '%ds'}, 'incr': {'command': 0x05, 'struct': 'QQL%ds'}, 'decr': {'command': 0x06, 'struct': 'QQL%ds'}, 'flush': {'command': 0x08, 'struct': 'I'}, 'noop': {'command': 0x0a, 'struct': ''}, 'stat': {'command': 0x10}, 'auth_negotiation': {'command': 0x20}, 'auth_request': {'command': 0x21, 'struct': '%ds%ds'}, } STATUS = { 'success': 0x00, 'key_not_found': 0x01, 'key_exists': 0x02, 'auth_error': 0x08, 'unknown_command': 0x81, # This is used internally, and is never returned by the server. (The server returns a 16-bit # value, so it's not capable of returning this value.) 'server_disconnected': 0xFFFFFFFF, } FLAGS = { 'object': 1 << 0, 'integer': 1 << 1, 'long': 1 << 2, 'compressed': 1 << 3, 'binary': 1 << 4, } MAXIMUM_EXPIRE_TIME = 0xfffffffe COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD = 128 def __init__(self, server, username=None, password=None, compression=None, socket_timeout=None, pickle_protocol=None, pickler=None, unpickler=None): super(Protocol, self).__init__() self.server = server self._username = username self._password = password self.compression = zlib if compression is None else compression self.connection = None self.authenticated = False self.socket_timeout = socket_timeout self.pickle_protocol = pickle_protocol self.pickler = pickler self.unpickler = unpickler self.reconnects_deferred_until = None if not server.startswith('/'):, self.port = self.split_host_port(self.server) self.set_retry_delay(5) else: = self.port = None self.set_retry_delay(0) @property def server_uses_unix_socket(self): return is None
[docs] def set_retry_delay(self, value): self.retry_delay = value
def _open_connection(self): if self.connection: return self.authenticated = False # If we're deferring a reconnection attempt, wait. if self.reconnects_deferred_until and self.reconnects_deferred_until > return try: if self.connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connection.settimeout(self.socket_timeout) self.connection.connect((, self.port)) else: self.connection = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connection.connect(self.server) self._send_authentication() except socket.error: # If the connection attempt fails, start delaying retries. self.reconnects_deferred_until = + timedelta(seconds=self.retry_delay) raise def _connection_error(self, exception): # On error, clear our dead connection. self.disconnect()
[docs] @classmethod def split_host_port(cls, server): """ Return (host, port) from server. Port defaults to 11211. >>> split_host_port('') ('', 11211) >>> split_host_port('') ('', 11211) """ host, port = splitport(server) if port is None: port = 11211 port = int(port) if':.*$', host): host = re.sub(':.*$', '', host) return host, port
def _read_socket(self, size): """ Reads data from socket. :param size: Size in bytes to be read. :type size: int :return: Data from socket :rtype: six.string_types """ value = b'' while len(value) < size: data = self.connection.recv(size - len(value)) if not data: break value += data # If we got less data than we requested, the server disconnected. if len(value) < size: raise socket.error() return value def _get_response(self): """ Get memcached response from socket. :return: A tuple with binary values from memcached. :rtype: tuple """ try: self._open_connection() if self.connection is None: # The connection wasn't opened, which means we're deferring a reconnection attempt. # Raise a socket.error, so we'll return the same server_disconnected message as we # do below. raise socket.error('Delaying reconnection attempt') header = self._read_socket(self.HEADER_SIZE) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas) = struct.unpack(self.HEADER_STRUCT, header) assert magic == self.MAGIC['response'] extra_content = None if bodylen: extra_content = self._read_socket(bodylen) return (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) except socket.error as e: self._connection_error(e) # (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) message = str(e) return (self.MAGIC['response'], -1, 0, 0, 0, self.STATUS['server_disconnected'], 0, 0, 0, message) def _send(self, data): try: self._open_connection() if self.connection is None: return self.connection.sendall(data) except socket.error as e: self._connection_error(e)
[docs] def authenticate(self, username, password): """ Authenticate user on server. :param username: Username used to be authenticated. :type username: six.string_types :param password: Password used to be authenticated. :type password: six.string_types :return: True if successful. :raises: InvalidCredentials, AuthenticationNotSupported, MemcachedException :rtype: bool """ self._username = username self._password = password # Reopen the connection with the new credentials. self.disconnect() self._open_connection() return self.authenticated
def _send_authentication(self): if not self._username or not self._password: return False'Authenticating as %s', self._username) self._send(struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT, self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['auth_negotiation']['command'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: return False if status == self.STATUS['unknown_command']: logger.debug('Server does not requires authentication.') self.authenticated = True return True methods = extra_content if b'PLAIN' not in methods: raise AuthenticationNotSupported('This module only supports ' 'PLAIN auth for now.') method = b'PLAIN' auth = '\x00%s\x00%s' % (self._username, self._password) if isinstance(auth, text_type): auth = auth.encode() self._send(struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['auth_request']['struct'] % (len(method), len(auth)), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['auth_request']['command'], len(method), 0, 0, 0, len(method) + len(auth), 0, 0, method, auth)) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: return False if status == self.STATUS['auth_error']: raise InvalidCredentials("Incorrect username or password") if status != self.STATUS['success']: raise MemcachedException('Code: %d Message: %s' % (status, extra_content)) logger.debug('Auth OK. Code: %d Message: %s', status, extra_content) self.authenticated = True return True
[docs] def serialize(self, value, compress_level=-1): """ Serializes a value based on its type. :param value: Something to be serialized :type value: six.string_types, int, long, object :param compress_level: How much to compress. 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, 9 = slowest but best, -1 = default compression level. :type compress_level: int :return: Serialized type :rtype: str """ flags = 0 if isinstance(value, binary_type): flags |= self.FLAGS['binary'] elif isinstance(value, text_type): value = value.encode('utf8') elif isinstance(value, int) and isinstance(value, bool) is False: flags |= self.FLAGS['integer'] value = str(value) elif isinstance(value, long) and isinstance(value, bool) is False: flags |= self.FLAGS['long'] value = str(value) else: flags |= self.FLAGS['object'] buf = BytesIO() pickler = self.pickler(buf, self.pickle_protocol) pickler.dump(value) value = buf.getvalue() if compress_level != 0 and len(value) > self.COMPRESSION_THRESHOLD: if compress_level is not None and compress_level > 0: # Use the specified compression level. compressed_value = self.compression.compress(value, compress_level) else: # Use the default compression level. compressed_value = self.compression.compress(value) # Use the compressed value only if it is actually smaller. if compressed_value and len(compressed_value) < len(value): value = compressed_value flags |= self.FLAGS['compressed'] return flags, value
[docs] def deserialize(self, value, flags): """ Deserialized values based on flags or just return it if it is not serialized. :param value: Serialized or not value. :type value: six.string_types, int :param flags: Value flags :type flags: int :return: Deserialized value :rtype: six.string_types|int """ FLAGS = self.FLAGS if flags & FLAGS['compressed']: # pragma: no branch value = self.compression.decompress(value) if flags & FLAGS['binary']: return value if flags & FLAGS['integer']: return int(value) elif flags & FLAGS['long']: return long(value) elif flags & FLAGS['object']: buf = BytesIO(value) unpickler = self.unpickler(buf) return unpickler.load() if six.PY3: return value.decode('utf8') # In Python 2, mimic the behavior of the json library: return a str # unless the value contains unicode characters. # in Python 2, if value is a binary (e.g struct.pack("<Q") then decode will fail try: value.decode('ascii') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: return value.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: return value else: return value
[docs] def get(self, key): """ Get a key and its CAS value from server. If the value isn't cached, return (None, None). :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :return: Returns (value, cas). :rtype: object """ logger.debug('Getting key %s', key) data = struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['get']['struct'] % (len(key)), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['get']['command'], len(key), 0, 0, 0, len(key), 0, 0, str_to_bytes(key)) self._send(data) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() logger.debug('Value Length: %d. Body length: %d. Data type: %d', extlen, bodylen, datatype) if status != self.STATUS['success']: if status == self.STATUS['key_not_found']: logger.debug('Key not found. Message: %s', extra_content) return None, None if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: return None, None raise MemcachedException('Code: %d Message: %s' % (status, extra_content)) flags, value = struct.unpack('!L%ds' % (bodylen - 4, ), extra_content) return self.deserialize(value, flags), cas
[docs] def get_multi(self, keys): """ Get multiple keys from server. Since keys are converted to b'' when six.PY3 the keys need to be decoded back into string . e.g key='test' is read as b'test' and then decoded back to 'test' This encode/decode does not work when key is already a six.binary_type hence this function remembers which keys were originally sent as str so that it only decoded those keys back to string which were sent as string :param keys: A list of keys to from server. :type keys: list :return: A dict with all requested keys. :rtype: dict """ # pipeline N-1 getkq requests, followed by a regular getk to uncork the # server o_keys = keys keys, last = keys[:-1], str_to_bytes(keys[-1]) if six.PY2: msg = '' else: msg = b'' msg = msg.join([ struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['getkq']['struct'] % (len(key)), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['getkq']['command'], len(key), 0, 0, 0, len(key), 0, 0, str_to_bytes(key)) for key in keys]) msg += struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['getk']['struct'] % (len(last)), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['getk']['command'], len(last), 0, 0, 0, len(last), 0, 0, last) self._send(msg) d = {} opcode = -1 while opcode != self.COMMANDS['getk']['command']: (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status == self.STATUS['success']: flags, key, value = struct.unpack('!L%ds%ds' % (keylen, bodylen - keylen - 4), extra_content) if six.PY2: d[key] = self.deserialize(value, flags), cas else: try: decoded_key = key.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: d[key] = self.deserialize(value, flags), cas else: if decoded_key in o_keys: d[decoded_key] = self.deserialize(value, flags), cas else: d[key] = self.deserialize(value, flags), cas elif status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: break elif status != self.STATUS['key_not_found']: raise MemcachedException('Code: %d Message: %s' % (status, extra_content)) return d
def _set_add_replace(self, command, key, value, time, cas=0, compress_level=-1): """ Function to set/add/replace commands. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: A value to be stored on server. :type value: object :param time: Time in seconds that your key will expire. :type time: int :param cas: The CAS value that must be matched for this operation to complete, or 0 for no CAS. :type cas: int :param compress_level: How much to compress. 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, 9 = slowest but best, -1 = default compression level. :type compress_level: int :return: True in case of success and False in case of failure :rtype: bool """ time = time if time >= 0 else self.MAXIMUM_EXPIRE_TIME logger.debug('Setting/adding/replacing key %s.', key) flags, value = self.serialize(value, compress_level=compress_level) logger.debug('Value bytes %s.', len(value)) if isinstance(value, text_type): value = value.encode('utf8') self._send(struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS[command]['struct'] % (len(key), len(value)), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS[command]['command'], len(key), 8, 0, 0, len(key) + len(value) + 8, 0, cas, flags, time, str_to_bytes(key), value)) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status != self.STATUS['success']: if status == self.STATUS['key_exists']: return False elif status == self.STATUS['key_not_found']: return False elif status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: return False raise MemcachedException('Code: %d Message: %s' % (status, extra_content)) return True
[docs] def set(self, key, value, time, compress_level=-1): """ Set a value for a key on server. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: A value to be stored on server. :type value: object :param time: Time in seconds that your key will expire. :type time: int :param compress_level: How much to compress. 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, 9 = slowest but best, -1 = default compression level. :type compress_level: int :return: True in case of success and False in case of failure :rtype: bool """ return self._set_add_replace('set', key, value, time, compress_level=compress_level)
[docs] def cas(self, key, value, cas, time, compress_level=-1): """ Add a key/value to server ony if it does not exist. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: A value to be stored on server. :type value: object :param time: Time in seconds that your key will expire. :type time: int :param compress_level: How much to compress. 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, 9 = slowest but best, -1 = default compression level. :type compress_level: int :return: True if key is added False if key already exists and has a different CAS :rtype: bool """ # The protocol CAS value 0 means "no cas". Calling cas() with that value is # probably unintentional. Don't allow it, since it would overwrite the value # without performing CAS at all. assert cas != 0, '0 is an invalid CAS value' # If we get a cas of None, interpret that as "compare against nonexistant and set", # which is simply Add. if cas is None: return self._set_add_replace('add', key, value, time, compress_level=compress_level) else: return self._set_add_replace('set', key, value, time, cas=cas, compress_level=compress_level)
[docs] def add(self, key, value, time, compress_level=-1): """ Add a key/value to server ony if it does not exist. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: A value to be stored on server. :type value: object :param time: Time in seconds that your key will expire. :type time: int :param compress_level: How much to compress. 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, 9 = slowest but best, -1 = default compression level. :type compress_level: int :return: True if key is added False if key already exists :rtype: bool """ return self._set_add_replace('add', key, value, time, compress_level=compress_level)
[docs] def replace(self, key, value, time, compress_level=-1): """ Replace a key/value to server ony if it does exist. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: A value to be stored on server. :type value: object :param time: Time in seconds that your key will expire. :type time: int :param compress_level: How much to compress. 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, 9 = slowest but best, -1 = default compression level. :type compress_level: int :return: True if key is replace False if key does not exists :rtype: bool """ return self._set_add_replace('replace', key, value, time, compress_level=compress_level)
[docs] def set_multi(self, mappings, time=100, compress_level=-1): """ Set multiple keys with its values on server. If a key is a (key, cas) tuple, insert as if cas(key, value, cas) had been called. :param mappings: A dict with keys/values :type mappings: dict :param time: Time in seconds that your key will expire. :type time: int :param compress_level: How much to compress. 0 = no compression, 1 = fastest, 9 = slowest but best, -1 = default compression level. :type compress_level: int :return: True :rtype: bool """ mappings = mappings.items() msg = [] for key, value in mappings: if isinstance(key, tuple): key, cas = key else: cas = None if cas == 0: # Like cas(), if the cas value is 0, treat it as compare-and-set against not # existing. command = 'addq' else: command = 'setq' flags, value = self.serialize(value, compress_level=compress_level) m = struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS[command]['struct'] % (len(key), len(value)), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS[command]['command'], len(key), 8, 0, 0, len(key) + len(value) + 8, 0, cas or 0, flags, time, str_to_bytes(key), value) msg.append(m) m = struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['noop']['struct'], self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['noop']['command'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) msg.append(m) if six.PY2: msg = ''.join(msg) else: msg = b''.join(msg) self._send(msg) opcode = -1 retval = True while opcode != self.COMMANDS['noop']['command']: (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status != self.STATUS['success']: retval = False if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: break return retval
def _incr_decr(self, command, key, value, default, time): """ Function which increments and decrements. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: Number to be (de|in)cremented :type value: int :param default: Default value if key does not exist. :type default: int :param time: Time in seconds to expire key. :type time: int :return: Actual value of the key on server :rtype: int """ time = time if time >= 0 else self.MAXIMUM_EXPIRE_TIME self._send(struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS[command]['struct'] % len(key), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS[command]['command'], len(key), 20, 0, 0, len(key) + 20, 0, 0, value, default, time, str_to_bytes(key))) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status not in (self.STATUS['success'], self.STATUS['server_disconnected']): raise MemcachedException('Code: %d Message: %s' % (status, extra_content)) if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: return 0 return struct.unpack('!Q', extra_content)[0]
[docs] def incr(self, key, value, default=0, time=1000000): """ Increment a key, if it exists, returns its actual value, if it doesn't, return 0. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: Number to be incremented :type value: int :param default: Default value if key does not exist. :type default: int :param time: Time in seconds to expire key. :type time: int :return: Actual value of the key on server :rtype: int """ return self._incr_decr('incr', key, value, default, time)
[docs] def decr(self, key, value, default=0, time=100): """ Decrement a key, if it exists, returns its actual value, if it doesn't, return 0. Minimum value of decrement return is 0. :param key: Key's name :type key: six.string_types :param value: Number to be decremented :type value: int :param default: Default value if key does not exist. :type default: int :param time: Time in seconds to expire key. :type time: int :return: Actual value of the key on server :rtype: int """ return self._incr_decr('decr', key, value, default, time)
[docs] def delete(self, key, cas=0): """ Delete a key/value from server. If key existed and was deleted, return True. :param key: Key's name to be deleted :type key: six.string_types :param cas: If set, only delete the key if its CAS value matches. :type cas: int :return: True in case o success and False in case of failure. :rtype: bool """ logger.debug('Deleting key %s', key) self._send(struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['delete']['struct'] % len(key), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['delete']['command'], len(key), 0, 0, 0, len(key), 0, cas, str_to_bytes(key))) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: return False if status != self.STATUS['success'] and status not in (self.STATUS['key_not_found'], self.STATUS['key_exists']): raise MemcachedException('Code: %d message: %s' % (status, extra_content)) logger.debug('Key deleted %s', key) return status != self.STATUS['key_exists']
[docs] def delete_multi(self, keys): """ Delete multiple keys from server in one command. :param keys: A list of keys to be deleted :type keys: list :return: True in case of success and False in case of failure. :rtype: bool """ logger.debug('Deleting keys %r', keys) if six.PY2: msg = '' else: msg = b'' for key in keys: msg += struct.pack( self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['delete']['struct'] % len(key), self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['delete']['command'], len(key), 0, 0, 0, len(key), 0, 0, str_to_bytes(key)) msg += struct.pack( self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['noop']['struct'], self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['noop']['command'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self._send(msg) opcode = -1 retval = True while opcode != self.COMMANDS['noop']['command']: (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status != self.STATUS['success']: retval = False if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: break return retval
[docs] def flush_all(self, time): """ Send a command to server flush|delete all keys. :param time: Time to wait until flush in seconds. :type time: int :return: True in case of success, False in case of failure :rtype: bool """'Flushing memcached') self._send(struct.pack(self.HEADER_STRUCT + self.COMMANDS['flush']['struct'], self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['flush']['command'], 0, 4, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, time)) (magic, opcode, keylen, extlen, datatype, status, bodylen, opaque, cas, extra_content) = self._get_response() if status not in (self.STATUS['success'], self.STATUS['server_disconnected']): raise MemcachedException('Code: %d message: %s' % (status, extra_content)) logger.debug('Memcached flushed') return True
[docs] def stats(self, key=None): """ Return server stats. :param key: Optional if you want status from a key. :type key: six.string_types :return: A dict with server stats :rtype: dict """ # TODO: Stats with key is not working. if key is not None: if isinstance(key, text_type): key = str_to_bytes(key) keylen = len(key) packed = struct.pack( self.HEADER_STRUCT + '%ds' % keylen, self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['stat']['command'], keylen, 0, 0, 0, keylen, 0, 0, key) else: packed = struct.pack( self.HEADER_STRUCT, self.MAGIC['request'], self.COMMANDS['stat']['command'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) self._send(packed) value = {} while True: response = self._get_response() status = response[5] if status == self.STATUS['server_disconnected']: break keylen = response[2] bodylen = response[6] if keylen == 0 and bodylen == 0: break extra_content = response[-1] key = extra_content[:keylen] body = extra_content[keylen:bodylen] value[key.decode() if isinstance(key, bytes) else key] = body return value
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnects from server. A new connection will be established the next time a request is made. :return: Nothing :rtype: None """ if self.connection: self.connection.close() self.connection = None